The average house price on BRAY GARDENS is £928,004
The most expensive house in the street is 6 BRAY GARDENS with an estimated value of £1,084,043
The cheapest house in the street is 9 BRAY GARDENS with an estimated value of £812,691
The house which was most recently sold was 7 BRAY GARDENS, this sold on 23 Nov 2020 for £710,000
The postcode for BRAY GARDENS is GU22 8RX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 157 m2 £1,070,490 £635,000 24 May 2013
3 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 132 m2 £908,019 £735,000 25 Oct 2019
4 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 113 m2 £922,104 £537,500 28 Sep 2012
5 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 156 m2 £845,591 £535,000 23 Aug 2007
6 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 193 m2 £1,084,043 £635,000 12 Aug 2010
7 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 106 m2 £829,234 £710,000 23 Nov 2020
9 BRAY GARDENS Detached , 186 m2 £812,691 £520,000 29 Nov 2007
WESTWOOD HOUSE, 4 BRAY GARDENS Detached £951,867 £815,000 6 Nov 2020